Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Just For Men

So we have talked about female infertility and things that bother us women. However, Male Infertility isn't something you hear much about. So tonight, my post will be for the men! Ladies don't check out now, You need your man to make a baby so let's give them a little information also!

Most people would be surprised to know that Male Infertility is almost as likely as Female Infertility to be involved in a couple's inability to achieve pregnancy. The good news is that "MOST" cases can be resolved by either treating the problem or using fertility treatments.

How common is Male Infertility you ask?  Well here's some numbers:
30% of couples discover fertility issues in both the male and female.
30% of couples discover fertility issues in only the man.
30% of couples discover fertility issues in only the woman.
10% of couples will not find a reason for their infertility aka Unexplained Infertility.

Of men diagnosed with male infertility, 10%-15% will have Azoospermia (a complete lack of sperm). Azoospermia is only present in about 1% of the general population.

Male Infertility is first diagnosed by a SA (Semen Analysis). It's a simple test that involves the man providing a semen sample for a lab to evaluate. They will measure the amount of semen, number of sperm, and sperm shape and movement. Ideally, they will usually ask to perform the test twice to confirm results. "MOST" of the time, a basic SA is all that's needed to diagnose male infertility.
Sometimes further testing is required such as a physical exam by a urologist, specialized SA (genetic testing of sperm, and immobile sperm), Bloodwork, etc.
Treatments can be simple or more advanced. Simple treatments include antibiotics and fertility. Sometimes surgical corrections are needed.

Substances like cigarettes, marijuana, alcohol, and steroids (like testosterone) may impact sperm count and function.

 So now that I gave you the statistics, we can all know that infertility is a shared experience. It's not something that is one and not the other. My husband and I are in this together. We won't talk about who has the problem because to us, we have a problem. For men, its hard to talk about male infertility because lets face it. To them it's their manhood. For women, we just feel like our bodies don't do the one thing it's suppose to do. But studies show, that both men and women feel inadequate when it comes to infertility. So be supportive of couples going through infertility. When they are comfortable enough, they will open up to you and share everything. But don't push them because it never turns out well. Tomorrow I will post some personal stuff that I have over came and was healed from before infertility. So with that being said, I love you all, goodnight and have a blessed evening!



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