#1. We KNOW our anatomy a lot better than most women.
* I mean seriously. We have had so many test done, blood work, exams, etc. When you are diagnosed with infertility you start doing research on your anatomy to see what you can do about it! Our future children will pass sex ed with flying colors!
#2. We get really good with time!
* We can literally calculate our whole day around ovulation and testing. Some of us can even plan our BD months in advance!
#3. We realize just how strong we really are.
* Man does it take strength to get through infertility! Not just emotional but physical and mental. Most women dealing with infertility will undergo so many testing, poking, probing, and yes even surgeries. The physical strength is something we have to have to heal our bodies from all of that. Mentally, we are dealing with our doctors, spouses, families, in laws, friends, strangers, etc. Questions are always being asked, we are always being critiqued, there is always another pregnancy announcement on Facebook, another baby shower invite in the mailbox, etc. We have to be mentally strong to deal with everything.
#4. Our faith in God gets stronger.
* I mean sure, We have all gotten angry with God because we just didn't understand. We have questioned a lot of things. But some of us, have found comfort in God and his timing. I know that without my walk with God I wouldn't be where I am today. I am always looking for ways to grow closer to God while I'm waiting for my little miracle.
#5. We see life in a different way.
* You know how people who have fought and won cancer, or someone that survived an accident see life different? Well we do too. Life is a complete miracle for us. Everyday we strive to make that little miracle. We eat, breathe, sleep, live for that little miracle of life. We realize how precious life really is. Especially when it's taken so long for it to come along.
#6. Our marriage CAN get stronger.
* It is really easy to get along and have fun with your spouse when everything in life is going great. But you really find out what your marriage is made of when you're forced to face life struggles together. You start to realize that if you can make it through this challenge, you can make it through anything!
#7.When you get to sleep at night, you still get to sleep through the night.
* Unless you are like me who has a husband who sleeps 10 kinds of crazy! Plus I share a bed with 5 furbabies so yea!
#8. So last night I posted a negative thing about this but there can possibly be a positive too! When your friends all offer to let you have their "bratty" kids (their words). GREAT! So don't be surprised and call the police when we take them. We had a verbal agreement :)
#9.Infertile Women truly don't know the meaning of sisterhood until she has bonded with other childless infertile women.
*Motherhood seems to be like a membership to such an exclusive club, and infertile friends hang out like the bullied nerds in school. Going to parties or family functions is not always fun to us. Simply because we can't compete with the conversations of" our children" "poopoo in the potty" or starting school or playing in sports, etc. We often do feel like the 3rd wheel. But we get other women with infertility the way you get other moms.
Well there you have it. These are some of the positives of infertility. I would write a little longer but I need to take a shower, eat, and get ready for bed. So until tomorrow, I love you guys!
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